AXIOM is committed to socio-economic development, integrating social and environmental concerns into business decisions, operations and stakeholder interactions in the communities where we operate. AXIOM are committed to engaging local suppliers and ensuring that niche local talent is not lost from the supply chain. The principles we currently embrace cover a range of initiatives, including:
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Our businesses operate in locations across the UK, and as such we take responsibility to invest in the development of the areas where we operate. This includes employment for local people, sharing innovation, educational initiatives (such as providing work experience through the Cumbrian Business Education Consortium, GEN2, TSTS), and sponsorship / charitable giving. We participate in fundraising activities and support local development projects (such as the Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster).

PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT - Helping employees realise their potential through provision and financing of further education initiatives. AXIOM has provided nearly 5,000 hours of education and training since 2012. Inside the DSA AXIOM currently has 40 apprentices, graduates and trainees working for Sellafield Ltd with 10 based in West Cumbria.
ENVIRONMENTAL & BUSINESS INTEGRITY - Striving to maintain high ethical standards, operating to business codes of conduct, and commitment to environmental improvement (for example supporting the Greenpower initiative at local schools), adopting sustainable development programmes and maintaining environmental policies.
INVESTMENT IN WEST CUMBRIA AND NORTH WEST - We have established local offices, encourage development of local skills, and support numerous charitable and business initiatives. We understand the importance of planned socio-economic programmes to align with NDA / Sellafield Ltd development plans, and confirm continued commitment to this with over 30% of our revenue is spent in West Cumbria.